Dec. 3, 1889
The Herald has become idiotic again. The editor is absent.
Judge Alfonso Taft and wife of Cincinnati, are at the Grand Central hotel.
There was not anything of interest going on in the courts yesterday.
Dr. Harrington and Editor Rule are in New Mexico. They left her Sunday for Eddy.
Assistant City Attorney Burgess, makes it warm for offenders of the city ordinances.
There will be an entertainment at St. Joseph's Convent, San Elizario, Thursday evening next, and the Times acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to attend.
The game of ball Sunday afternoon resulted in the defeat of the Jonses by a score of 8 to 2.
Colonel Baylor, United States court deputy clerk at this point has received a complete set (131 volumes) of United States reports.
F.M. Pixley, of the San Francisco Argonaut, is autographed at the Grand Central.
The city certainly looked deserted last night. Everybody was over in Juarez.
The Wigwam closed its doors last night. The proprietors say they cannot stand the expense.
The fiesta festivities commence in Juarez next Sunday, and will of course be enjoyed by a large number from this side.
J.F. Satterthwaite returned yesterday from the east looking as happy and healthy as his friends could possible wish.
Ben Dunkle, Si Ryan, Butterworth and Wilder were having a great time with a one-in-hand last night. They dashed through the principal streets in great style.
Recorder Davis did a lively business yesterday morning. He find Judge Loomis $25 for offending the health ordinance and fined Mr. W.M. James for not being present to act as a juror.
The I.O.O.F.'s of El Paso Lodge No. 284 held their regular annual election last night with the following result: H.L. Copell, representative; A.A. Ellis, N.G.; T.S. Kerr, V.G.; W.E. Sharp, R.S.; Jacob Oppenheim, P.S.; C.W. Fassett, treasurer. This a splendid set of officers.
Hon. Thomas Ryan, United States minister to Mexico, passed through the city Sunday on his return from washington to the City of Mexico. He expressed himself as an enthusiastic supporter of reciprocity with Mexico and said he was glad to see the Times was in line with him on that question.
An organ from El Paso went to Eddy, New Mexico, yesterday. Mr. Walz made the sale and got under eastern prices to do it. Sabe.