December 5, 1933
IT was a sad day today for those Juarez visitors who considered O'Brien's Riverside cafe the last
stronghold of he-drinkers.
The Riverside bar has been a man's resort. Women were not encouraged ' to patronize the bar, and
always formed a small minority of the clientele. There has been no jazz music or dancing.
But Joe Mogel, proprietor, today announced he will put down a hardwood floor in the bar itself, and will invite women-in to dance.
The handsome bar, against which men have leaned to drink and talk and cuss without feminine restraint will be shoved ignomiusly against one wall to make room for the new deal.
The Riverside has been an almost sacred precinct for El Paso's drinking politicians, lawyers, business and professional men who liked to drink in an atmosphere reminiscent of
pre-prohibition days.
"I'm not going to stand here and starve to death because of 3.2 beer," Mr. Mogel said defensively. "I've got to do something to get some business."
He will move to the Castle while the Riverside is being remodeled.
His announcement was received with bitterness by members of the old guard.
"The world is cockeyed," commented one veteran barfly, dropping a tear into his -beer.
"These days a drug store smells like a restaurant,, a restaurant smells like a saloon, and a saloon
smells like a boudoir.