The McGinty orchestra had a practice last night.
Collector Chas. Davis will return from his ranch this morning.
A marriage license was issued yesterday to William Helm and Miss Augusta J.M. Peterson.
Mr. Feldman was fined $2.50 yesterday for fast riding on his bike and $2.50 for not carrying a light.
The delayed T.&P. train, which arrived from the east yesterday afternoon, brought in a carload of mail.
The meeting of the El Paso Citizens’ Progressive association at the courthouse tomorrow night will be largely attended.
Down in El Paso the press talks of “alleged lawyer editors.” Has anybody escaped from New Mexico? – Santa Fe New Mexican.
Hundreds of young people in El Paso found the eclipse of the moon a good excuse for sitting up last night until after midnight.
A large bunch of keys on a steel ring were found on the streets Sunday and left at this office. Owner can recover same by paying for this notice.
Officer Mendoza must have secured the right man when he arrested Will Jones, colored, Sunday. There were no burglaries reported yesterday morning.
Cannons were booming in Mexico last night. It was no doubt a preliminary to the big noise to be on the 14th in celebration of President Diaz’s birthday.
Weather permitting a party of ladies and gentlemen from the Pierson hotel and a number of friends, will enjoy a moonlight ride to Orn’s grove tonight and a dance.
Yesterday Messrs. Rackhart & Heckelman turned out of their assaying work, a bar of gold valued at $1000 belonging to two Negroes from Mexico. They also turned out a bar of silver and gold valued at $20.
The Holland brothers, who murdered Dick Ensberry and held up Keesey & Ob’s store at Valentine, were arrested in Sutton county Sunday and carried to Oomstock last night. Mr. Edgar recognized the men the night of the robbery and so informed the officers.
The customs officials at El Paso are discharging their duty just as if such a concern as the Southern Pacific railroad did not exist. That road objects when the officers arrest one of its Outnese passengers who has no certificate.
Yesterday Officer Archie found buried in the Santa Fe stock yards a Colt 45 revolver and rubber scabbard, which the Negro Jones acknowledged belonged to him. Archie made his investigation in the stock yards because he learned that Jones had been sleeping there.