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April 27, 2012



Um ok Im a local historian too and in fact there is or was 11 tunnels beneath the Rio Grande.The river itself in El Paso is so shallow, it should be considered a stream compared to how big & deep real rivers are like the Mississippi,Colorado,Ohio,Brazos,etc... . Its so ignorant to say that there are no tunnels between Juarez & El Paso. There is so much history in El Paso due the passage through the Franklin mountains(Paseo Del Norte) which even prove that there is Titan descent here. Tunnels have been made & reported in the downtown, central, and even Franklin area ever since the 1860's for various reasons. One of the most important was to smuggle opium during Chinese immigration for the Pacific Railroad construction in El Paso.I know of a resident that resides in Segundo Barrio that personally showed me a tunnel in the basement under her home that leads to Juarez, her great great grandfather used to smuggle alcohol from Juarez to El Paso during Prohibition.

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Trish Long is the El Paso Times’ archivist and spends her time in the morgue, where the newspaper keeps its old clippings and photos. View this blog at its new home at http://blogs.elpasotimes.com/morgue/
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