May 15, 1946
A boy's curiosity, an experiment, an explosion . , .
Julian Armas, 13, of Ysleta, is in Hotel Dieu today recovering after amputation of both hands, mangled when a torpedo exploded Saturday.
Pete Armas, the boy's father, said Julian was given some "railroad torpedoes" by an Ysleta man. Julian and a friend, Dick Caples, 15, went to Dick's home in the Lower Valley in an attempt to attach a fuse to the torpedoes, he said.
"Julian said he had a torpedo cupped in the palm of his hand," Mr. Armas said. "He put his hands together, and began rubbing, with the torpedo between them. Then the explosion occurred."
Dick, who was standing nearby, but was not injured, took Julian to Ysleta in a truck, where he was given first aid by Dr. R. R. Delgado. The boy was rushed to Hotel Dieu where his hands were amputated.
"Julian always liked to experiment," said Mr. Armas. "He was always doing something. He would tell me, 'Dad, I want to know about things, and I want to experiment.' "I can't believe this has happened to my little boy. He didn't cry or say anything much about the pain. He took it like a soldier.
"In the hospital, he just looked t me and said: 'I can almost feel my fingers and hands Dad. It doesn't seem like they have been cut off."
Julian is in the sixth grade in Ysleta School. He is active in sports and is a member of the Boy Scouts. He is a brother of Constantino Armas, 20, Pete, Junior, 18 Beatriz, 15 and Eva, 8. Constantino and Pete served in the Navy in the Pacific Theater during the war.
Mr. Armas is employed as a butcher for the Food Mart in Ysleta.
July 20, 1977
Local 'celeb' changes name
Julian Armas, 8118 North Loop, wants to change his name because “the present situation has worked a hardship” on him.
To rectify the problem, he filed petition in 210th District Court last week, seeking to legally acquire the name he says he is known by “in the community and throughout the world.”
The name that has brought him some degree of fame for his diverse activities is: Jay J. Armes.
The private investigator, who ran unsuccessfully for El Paso County Sheriff, has no hands. In his petition, he said an identical name change was obtained in California 10 years ago,