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April 21, 2011


Joe H. Smith

As a TWC alum and fan of El Paso I enjoyed the 'gator' tales and feel moved to add my own experience. I'm sure there are many 2nd hand stories of the gator pool exploits over the years but I can assure this one is accurate as I was a participant.
The year is a bit foggy, but likely spring of 1964. After a dress-up fraternity party about 4 or 5 of us who had been celebrating all Sat. evening decided to kidnap a couple of the gators at the plaza and relocate them to the campus. They were a bit hard to catch but we managed to subdue two larger ones, tying their mouth's closed with our neckties. We transported them in the trunks of two cars to the campus where we keep them for several hours in my dorm room. My roommate was George Fielding who was a bit more straight laced and reluctant to be involved with the matter.
One of the other participants, Pat O'Rourke, suggested we remove them to the TWC swimming pool, which we did around 5 a.m.
The next morning an unsuspecting coed went into the pool for an early swim and discovered our misdeed, she promptly notified the campus police who arranged for their rescue.
I don't recall anyone ever discovering who the yeggs were in this exploit and it sure was fun!

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