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April 19, 2010


Robert Burke

Nearly a century after his death he still causes strong feelings -- of hatred and admiration -- in people. Whatever else might be said, it is certain that he lived a large life.


He was quite the enigma. He was like so much of Mexico and the mestizo -- a dual personality: both benevolent and malevolent, conqueror and conquered, compassionate and cold, merciful and killer.

As I recall, his Banzai-type attacks against Obregons forces broke his army. So his military acumen had its limits or fell subservient to rage perhaps.

Trish keep up the great work. This is my favorite part of elpasotimes.com

Trish Long

Thanks for taking the time to comment Austex.


hello i need to know information on vincente lara he rode with poncho villa how he died and what kind of pistol did he carry and was his grandson ernesto

Lincoln Tendler

Dear Ms Trish Long,
I happen to be the Chief Editor of a Police/Weapons magazine in Brasil and am currently writing a special edition on the 1911 pistol. Fact is I was browsing the Web and bumped into the pleasant text of Normn (!?) Walker about Pancho Villa. Hence, I'd like to know if his name was really NORMN or NORMAN, as far as I intend to quote it in my work.
As I noticed that you are the one responsible for "digging" such article I believe you're the right person for me to ask.
So, hoping everything is OK with you and that you'll be kind enough to answer me, I thank you in advance for your efforts.
Linc Tendler, MBS

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Trish Long is the El Paso Times’ archivist and spends her time in the morgue, where the newspaper keeps its old clippings and photos. View this blog at its new home at http://blogs.elpasotimes.com/morgue/
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