February 8, 1913
Interurban Makes Possible Enjoyment for El Pasoans on Summer Nights – Architects Draw Plans
A Japanese pagoda and “tea garden,” the whole to compose a block of ground at West Ysleta, is to be created by the Ysleta Improvement company, with which Frank R. Tobin of El Paso is prominently identified.
The coming enterprise and resort has already been leased by Mrs. Edith C. Wache of El Paso, with privilege to purchase.
Plans for a handsome building of Oriental architecture are being drawn by Gibson & Robinson, architects, and Mr. Tobin stated yesterday that as soon as the architects finish their work, bids will be called for construction of the building.
Features of the structure are that it will be of stucco finish and will have a promenade cement porch eighteen feet wide around the entire building. Walls will be extra thick, and as a result, will be cool in summer, as well as warm in winter.
The entire block of ground is to be converted into a bower of beauty under supervision of Mrs. Mache, who gained rate knowledge in such adornment in California. Shrubbery, native to the south and also exotics, will bear rich blooms, which will create a perfume-laden atmosphere pleasing to the senses of El Pasoans and visitors in the city as they wander or sit about during summer nights at the enjoyable retreat.
Rustic Accommodations
Rustic seats and tables will be at frequent intervals over the grounds, where ices will be served, and at night the whole will be illuminated with many Japanese lantern effects.
The pagoda also will be furnished for enjoyable mingling of friends while they sip ices on a summer night. “Musical evenings” often will be enjoyed.
Interurban Cars
The resort will be located at Winchester and Davis boulevard, in the new townsite. Interurban cars will make stops at the resort, and it is the belief of the promoter that a large patronage will result as heretofore El Paso has had nothing of this character for summer evening enjoyment. And not only in the evenings but during every day of the week it is expected that the resort will be a popular place.
Enjoyable Night Rides
A night ride of ten miles in heavy interurban cars, and an evening at a beautiful resort and a ride home at 10 or 12 o’clock, is the plan of the promoters for the enjoyment of El Paso people.
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