Imported Hofbrau – last of the season.
The Valley is full of huntsmen this morning.
All kinds of printing done at the Times Bindery.
Special dinner at the Palmer Dining Hall today. Meals 25 cents.
The young people will have a dance at the courthouse next Friday night.
Blanks and blank books of every description made to order at the Times office.
Thee will be a lively game of ball at Sportsman Park this afternoon between the Colts and the Fort Bliss team.
The thermometer took a long tumble last night, and at 10 o’clock, overcoats began making their appearance on the streets.
A number of citizens called at the Times office yesterday to sign the petition asking congress to recognize the Cuban patriots as belligerents.
Monday morning at nine o’clock Messrs. B.W. Grover and D.Y. Hadley will take to city council park committee for a drive over to Washington park.
El Paso’s Jewish citizens closed their places of business yesterday and attended services at the residence of Mr. Stolsroff. Yesterday was Yam Kippur, the date of atonement.
Yesterday Mrs. Chas. Friese received from Colonel McCann, agent of the Equitable Insurance company $5,000 Insurance on the life of her husband who died a few days ago.
Last night the driver for O.G. Seeton hitched his horse and buggy in the rear of Charlie’s restaurant on San Antonio street while he went in to eat. Someone stole the horses.
Mr. Courchesne is pushing construction work on the smelter road. He has completed the portion north of the smelter last evening and will commence on this end Monday.
The city board of equalization will hold its last meeting Monday and those taxpayers who have a kick to make must make it tomorrow morning. It will be their last chance.
At Fort Wroth the other day the Panther City’s crack wheeleman went after the state record of 2:18 for a mile held by Harry Walz of El Paso. The Fort Worth man failed to do any better than 2:31.
O.B. Eddy returned last Sunday from an extended trip east and through the mountains in New Mexico, having located a large tract of coal lands in the Salado district of Lincoln county, and in company with his brother J.A. Eddy, established an office for the transaction of business in White Oaks. When the El Paso and White Oaks railway is built, Eddy Bros., will be found to have to local business of the country. – Eddy Current.