May 9, 1888
Orange Trees in Bearing – Only Two Saloons and No Bawdy Houses – Strawberries a Plenty.
The Ysleta Report says:
Don Durado Elias has orange trees with young fruit. Taking into consideration that the past winter was the severest ever known here this is big thing for the valley. The variety is the Unshiu, introduced by Mr. A. E. Boulet, who deserves great credit for his enterprise.
An El Paso paper suggests Ysleta as a proper place for a prize fight between the two big brutes, Sullivan and Kilrain. The suggestion shows how little some newspaper men know about even their nearest neighbors. Ysleta, although a border town and has a mixed population, is probably the most unfit place in the United States for anything of the sort. With its population of over twenty-five hundred inhabitants it has only two saloons and not a single house of prostitution. In fact there is nothing here to favor such an exhibition. We have positively no hoodlum element at all. Our law abiding people would not permit such a degrading exhibition to take place in our midst.
Strawberries and green peas in abundance are offered on our streets.