July 29, 1909
Peter Hiegel Says Mrs. Coleman Threatened to Kill His Wife
The troubles of two east El Paso families were aired in Justice Watson’s court yesterday, when Peter Hiegel asked that Mrs. Josephine Coleman be placed under bond to keep the peace. The two families live in the same block on Perra street in East El Paso.
Promised to Commit Violence
Peter Hiegel has a dairy and a ranch and he testified that last Monday afternoon at about 5 o’clock Mrs. Coleman came over to his house and told him she wanted his old woman and would kill the old devil when she got hold of her, and that Mrs. Coleman used language he did not care to repeat in court; that it was such language as few men ever used. Hiegel said he was frequently absent from home at his ranch and he feared Mrs. Coleman might carry out her threat to kill his wife when he was not around to protect her.
Witness Chair Well Filled
When Mrs. Coleman, who looks like she might weigh in the neighborhood of 300 pounds was called to the witness chair it was too small to hold more than a small portion of her.
There Had Been a Fight
Her testimony showed that there had been a fight that Mrs. Hiegel’s daughter, Madeline, had been beating the witness’ two daughters over the head with a club and that their cries for “help” attracted witness to the scene.” Witness said that Miss Madeline was a very saucy girl; that she sang bad songs and fought. Mrs. Coleman denied that she had threatened Mrs. Hiegel.
Miss Madeline, a very shapely and comely young lady, testified that she was clubbing the Coleman girls, when Mrs. Coleman came to the house and wanted to do thing to her mother.
Hiegel said he did not interfere with the fight between the girls because “it is my belief to let them fight it out.”
Peace Bond Issued
Justice Watson said he intended to stop these family rows and would put Mrs. Coleman under $500 bond to keep the peace.
Attorney Walsh, for the defense, gave notice of appeal and said Miss Madeline would be charge with assault.