April 29, 1893
I have them; you want them; latest improved gasoline stoves. R.W. Symons.
The Franklin club has had a new oak floor laid in its gymnasium room.
The Southern Pacific and Santa Fe passenger trains did not get in until late last night.
The wheat crop in northern Chihuahua, and particularly along the Carmen river, has been very heavy the past season.
Alberto Cabral, the young Mexican who fired a pistol ball through his left lung Tuesday morning was removed to Juarez yesterday.
Mirth, music and song will constitute the treat offered the patrons of the Ladles Hospital fund at the opera house next Tuesday evening.
There are eighteen federal prisoners in our county jail awaiting trial and the United States court has been adjourned until the October term.
A rise in the river of fourteen inches passed Rincon yesterday morning, and another rise of two inches passed the same point in the afternoon.
The police are now hunting up every person in the city having an unlicensed dog, for the purpose of prosecuting them – the persons, not the dogs.
The McGinty club is now issuing very elaborate and expressive traveling cards to such members as desire to take in the outside world during the spring and summer months.
The concert to be given Tuesday night for the benefit of the Ladies’ hospital promises to be one of the most enjoyable of all the high class entertainments of the season.
The new band organized to give concerts in the city park two or three evenings each weak during the coming season will give its first musical treat in the park next Wednesday evening.
Mrs. T. J. Beall, assisted by her daughters, yesterday entertained a score or more of ladies at High Five. The prizes were both unique and handsome and were won by Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. Morehouse and by Mrs. Loomis and Miss Hixson.
Rafael Romero, who some time since fired a Winchester rifle ball into the side of his wife, pleaded guilty yesterday of assault with intent to murder and was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary.
Jim Burns appeared before U.S. Commissioner McKie yesterday, waived examination on the charge of violating the revenue laws, and was bound over to the U.S. grand jury in the sum of $300.
W.J. Glenn, the well known civil engineer and local capitalist, will next week begin the erection of a brick tenement building 34 feet deep and fronting 78 feet on the west side of Utah street, between Third and Fourth, divided into twelve compartments.
Gus Herman, a large sized African, came up El Paso street yesterday afternoon pretty drunk, and just as he turned into East Overland he gave a roar like a fog horn. In an instant Officer Ross was at his side, and last night Gus was lodged at the expense of the city.
Lieutenant Col. Hunter, assisted by Past Captain Capell, installed the following officers of Canton del Paso No. 4, Patriarchs Militant, I.O.O.F. last night: J.R. Montfort, Captain; John M. Hammer, Lieutenant; William H. Fett, Ensign; J.C. Burge, Clerk, and W.E. Sharp, Accountant.
That accomplished railroader and gentleman, T.H. Sears, who succeeded H.U. Mudge as superintendent of the Rio Grande division of the Santa Fe, has been promoted and goes to Denver, much to the regret of railroad men and the public. He will probably be succeeded here by T.J. Easley.
The Southern Pacific is laying the twelve miles of track up the hill from Rodgers to Strauss with new 90 pounds steel rails, preparatory to putting on fast trains. Later on the grade will be changes.
A valve was left open or a water pipe burst in rear of the El Paso Steam printing house last night and flooded half a block up to Overland street and out to Utah street, running several Mexican families out of their jacals along the acequia.
The firemen’s ball at Forestville hose house last evening was a grand success, the attendance being unexpectedly large, the music good, and everybody enjoyed themselves hugely.
Lew Gasser, the young pugilist, made an exhibition of himself at the firemen’s ball last night. His conduct in the presence of ladies was so outrageous that the mangers ejected him from the building; soon after which he returned with a big six shooter to “get revenge,” when Officer Saunders disarmed and arrested him.
Forty Hoosiers, County Judge Hunter, Acting Mayor Badger and members of the city council and board of trade will be at the Santa Fe depot at 1:30 this afternoon to greet Minister Gray.