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June 17, 2008


Stuart Schwartz

Trish, can I buy copies of all of the photos?

Trish Long

Mr. Schwartz,

As you are viewing the photo gallery there is a button under each photo that allows you to purchase it.

Michael N

Wow, what a wonderful true story, but why not tell the complete story up until 1995? It a shame these wonderful chain of stores that proved El Paso had a demand for department stores and brought is JC Penny, Sears and Montgomery-Ward and so many others doesn't have a complete story on the internet. There neeeds to be a wiki entry.

Cindy Hunt Henry

What a nice story. I'll always remember the store downtown...what a wonderful place for a teenage girl to shop!!!

Mary Kozak

Now you need to do a companion piece on the White House Department store, the Popular's rival! I remember making a 100 mile journey to the store to buy yards of lace for my sister's wedding dress. In those days you had to dress up to go to downtown El Paso, and downtown bustled! And it was cleaner!

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Trish Long is the El Paso Times’ archivist and spends her time in the morgue, where the newspaper keeps its old clippings and photos. View this blog at its new home at http://blogs.elpasotimes.com/morgue/
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